
Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 今天外面很冷,所以我們要穿一件外套。今天外面很冷,所以我們要穿一件外套。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我只有一隻襪子,小龍只有一隻鞋子。我只有一只袜子,小龙只有一只鞋子。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 天氣冷的時候,我喜歡在裡面玩。有太陽的時候,我喜歡在外面玩。天气冷的时候,我喜欢在里面玩。 有太阳的时候,我喜欢在外面玩。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 請問,我可以出去外面玩嗎?我想出去玩,可以嗎?请问,我可以出去外面玩吗? 我想出去玩,可以吗? Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我很喜歡玩,你也喜歡玩嗎?我很喜欢玩,你也喜欢玩吗? Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 這裡有三件上衣,我要那件最小號的。这里有三件上衣,我要那件最小号的。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 請你拿那條有紫色花樣的裙子給我。请你拿那条有紫色花样的裙子给我。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我的裙子怎么样?你的裙子很好看。我的裙子怎麼樣?你的裙子很好看。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 你喜歡穿什麼顏色的上衣?我喜歡穿藍色的上衣,不過我更喜歡穿黑色的上衣。你喜欢穿什么颜色的上衣?我喜欢穿蓝色的上衣,不过我更喜欢穿黑色的上衣。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 你今天想穿什麼衣服?你今天想穿什么衣服? Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 請你不要用這麼多水。請你不要在圖書館唱歌。請你不要在我的筆盒上畫畫。請你不要給小狗吃蛋糕。请你不要用这么多水。 请你不要在图书馆唱歌。 请你不要在我的笔盒上画画。 请你不要给小狗吃蛋糕。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我想吃點心,請妳給我一塊小麵包。我想吃点心,请妳给我一块小面包。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 請給我三張紅色的紙。请给我三张红色的纸。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 請問… 我可以摸摸你的小狗嗎?小请问… 我可以摸摸你的小狗吗? Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我可以用這支鉛筆嗎?我想用這支鉛筆畫一幅畫送給媽媽。我可以用这支铅笔吗? 我想用这支铅笔画一幅画送给妈妈。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我喜歡吃餃子,所以我奶奶常常做餃子給我吃。我喜欢吃饺子,所以我奶奶常常做饺子给我吃。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我媽媽很喜歡花,所以我爸爸常送花給她。我妈妈很喜欢花,所以我爸爸常送花给她。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我媽媽很喜歡花,所以我爸爸常送花給她。我妈妈很喜欢花,所以我爸爸常送花给她。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 這塊蛋糕怎麼樣?這塊蛋糕真好吃!這首歌怎麼樣?這首歌真好聽!这块蛋糕怎么样?这块蛋糕真好吃!这首歌怎么样?这首歌真好听! Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 用你的手拿這塊蛋糕給小狗吃。 用你的手摸摸這隻小狗的頭。用你的手拿这块蛋糕给小狗吃。 用你的手摸摸这只小狗的头。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我有一幅畫,用你的眼睛看看這幅畫。我有一幅画,用你的眼睛看看这幅画。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我在唱一首歌。用你的耳朵聽聽這首歌。我在唱一首歌。 用你的耳朵听听这首歌。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我用這張紙做一朵花。我用这张纸做一朵花。。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我用筆寫新朋友的名字。我用笔写新朋友的名字。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 你用耳朵聽奶奶唱歌。你用耳朵听奶奶唱歌。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我們用手拿水果,小狗用嘴巴拿水果。我们用手拿水果,小狗用嘴巴拿水果。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 你用鼻子聞聞看。你用鼻子闻闻看。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我們用眼睛看。我们用眼睛看。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我們的臉上有一雙眼睛,一個鼻子,一張嘴巴和兩隻耳朵。我们的脸上有一双眼睛,一个鼻子,一张嘴巴和两只耳朵。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 小老鼠的嘴巴很小,大象的嘴巴很大。他們 一起吃飯的時候,小老鼠吃很少,大象吃很多。小老鼠的嘴巴很小,大象的嘴巴很大。他们一起吃饭的时候,小老鼠吃很少,大象吃很多。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and … Read more


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 小狗的鼻子很好。。小狗的鼻子很好。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.


Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴、臉眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴、脸 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B32-5c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我有一雙手臂,右手臂和左手臂。我有一雙腿,右腿和左腿。我有一双手臂,右手臂和左手臂。我有一双腿,右腿和左腿。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B32-4f Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 一隻手有五隻手指,一、二、三、四、五。兩隻手會有十隻手指。一只手有五只手指,一、二、三、四、五。两只手会有十只手指。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B32-3d Spekaing

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 左手和右手不太一樣。左腳和右腳也不太一樣。左手和右手不太一样。左脚和右脚也不太一样。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B32-2d Spekaing

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 左邊,中間,右邊。左边,中间,右边。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B32-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我們有兩隻手,左手和右手。我們也有兩隻腳,左腳和右腳。我们有两只手,左手和右手。我们也有两只脚,左脚和右脚。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B31-4e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我喜歡這個雪人,因為他和我一樣有兩隻手和兩隻腳。我喜欢这个雪人,因为他和我一样有两只手和两只脚。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B31-3d Spekaing

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 我有兩條手臂和兩隻手。我有兩條腿和兩隻腳。我有两条手臂和两只手。我有两条腿和两只脚。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B31-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 這個雪人有一個身體,身體的最上面是雪人的頭。这个雪人有一个身体,身体的最上面是雪人的头。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

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