B23-2d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 季節、一年有四季、一季是三個月。季节、一年有四季、一季是三个月。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B23-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 春天、夏天、秋天、冬天。春天、夏天、秋天、冬天。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B22-5d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 發生、發明、發送。发生、发明、发送。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B22-3d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 過年的時候,我們會吃魚,也會說年年有餘。过年的时候,我们会吃鱼,也会说年年有余。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B22-2d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 新年快樂、恭喜發財、年年有餘。新年快乐、恭喜发财、年年有余。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B22-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 說話、吉祥話、恭喜。说话、吉祥话、恭喜。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B21-4e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 過年的時候,你會吃什麼?過年的時候,我會吃魚和餃子。过年的时候,你会吃什么?过年的时候,我会吃鱼和饺子。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B21-3d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 過年的時候,你會做什麼?過年的時候,我會和家人一起吃年夜飯。过年的时候,你会做什么?过年的时候,我会和家人一起吃年夜饭。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B21-2d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 年夜飯、魚、餃子、紅包。年夜飯、魚、餃子、紅包 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B21-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 新年是幾月幾號? 新年是一月一號。新年是几月几号?新年是一月一号。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and … Read more

B20-4e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 妹妹生日的時候,媽媽要送他一個媽媽做的生日蛋糕。妹妹生日的时候,妈妈要送他一个妈妈做的生日蛋糕。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B20-3e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 昨天媽媽送我去學校。今天奶奶送妹妹去圖書館。昨天妈妈送我去学校。今天奶奶送妹妹去图书馆。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B20-2d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 弟弟生日的時候,我們要送他什麼禮物?弟弟生日的時候,我們要送他一個藍色的書包。弟弟生日的时候,我们要送他什么礼物?弟弟生日的时候,我们要送他一个蓝色的书包。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B20-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 這我要吃飯。我要看書。我要畫圖。我要吃饭。我要看书。我要画图。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B19-4c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 這星期六是媽媽的生日,我們有生日蛋糕、生日禮物。祝媽媽生日快樂!这星期六是妈妈的生日,我们有生日蛋糕、生日礼物。祝妈妈生日快乐! Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B19-3e Speaking

Translate the date into Chinese.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B19-2f Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 下星期日是爸爸的的三十八歲生日。下星期日是爸爸的的三十八岁生日。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B19-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 小上星期二是妹妹的生日。上星期二的日期是六月六號。上星期二是妹妹的生日。上星期二的日期是六月六号。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B18-4c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 小貓的生日是三月三十號。小貓去年九歲。小貓今年幾歲?小猫的生日是三月三十号。小猫去年九岁。小猫今年几岁? Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B18-3f Speaking

Speak these sentences out loud! (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B18-2d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 妹妹什麼時候生日?妹妹的生日是十月三十號。妹妹今年五歲。妹妹什么时候生日?妹妹的生日是十月三十号。妹妹今年五岁。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B18-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 你的爸爸是哪一年生的?我的爸爸是一九八八年生的。你的爸爸是哪一年生的?我的爸爸是一九八八年生的。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B17-4e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 昨天是二零二三年五月三十號星期三。後天是幾月幾號?昨天是二零二三年五月三十号星期三。后天是几月几号? Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B17-2c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 今年是哪一年?今年是二零一二年。今年是哪一年?今年是二零一二年。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B17-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 一年有幾個月?一年有十二個月。一年有几个月?一年有十二个月。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B16-4e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 今天是八月十三號星期六。那明天呢?今天是八月十三号星期六。那明天呢? Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B16-2c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 六月有三十天。七月有三十一天,八月也有三十一天。六月有三十天。七月有三十一天,八月也有三十一天。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B16-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 今天是九月八號,明天是幾月幾號?明天是九月九號。今天是九月八号,明天是几月几号?明天是九月九号。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B15-5e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 今天是星期一,昨天是星期日,前天是星期六。明天是星期二,後天是星期三。今天是星期一,昨天是星期日,前天是星期六。明天是星期二,后天是星期三。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B15-5d Speaking

Fill in the missing stroke for each word. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B15-4d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 今天是星期三,前天是星期一,後天是星期五。今天是星期三,前天是星期一,后天是星期五。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B15-2c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 昨天是星期日。明天是星期二。昨天是星期日。明天是星期二。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B15-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 今天是星期幾?今天是星期一。今天是星期几?今天是星期一。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B14-5c Speaking

Describe each picture with a sentence! (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B14-4e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 星期六不上學,我去朋友家一起吃點心。星期日,我們哪裡也不去。星期六不上学,我去朋友家一起吃点心。星期日,我们哪里也不去。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B14-3f Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 星期一,我們在家吃好吃的炒飯。星期二,我們去圖書館看書。星期三,我們去爺爺家看爺爺畫畫。星期四,我們在學校寫同學的名字。星期五,我們一起在院子做運動。星期一,我们在家吃好吃的炒饭。星期二,我们去图书馆看书。星期三,我们去爷爷家看爷爷画画。星期四,我们在学校写同学的名字。星期五,我们一起在院子做运动。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B14-2c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 星期三,天很黑。我去山上看星星。天上有好多星星!星期三,天很黑。我去山上看星星。天上有好多星星! Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B14-1c Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 星期二,早上我和同學一起去圖書館看書。下午我和媽媽在公園吃點心。星期二,早上我和同学一起去图书馆看书。下午我和妈妈在公园吃点心。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B13-5d Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 星期五,姐姐在做什麼?姐姐在看書。星期五,姐姐在做什么?姐姐在看书。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

B13-3e Speaking

Practice saying the phrases below and test yourself with the speech-recognition tool.(Note: This tool currently does not work on iOS mobile devices.) 星期一,媽媽在做什麼?媽媽在做飯。星期一,妈妈在做什么?妈妈在做饭。 Use the recording tool (or any recording tool you have) to record and hear your practice. (For premium plus members) When you are feeling confident, upload your recording for grading and feedback.

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